Why Did I Get Married? Fandom

tyler perry 80 20 rule

We’ll always come across the 80 and the 20 in every stage of our lives, even when we are married, we’ll still be coming across them. Someone who is married to their 20 will surely do something bad when they later on meet with their 80. That’s why many married people cheat or leave for another person. Doing this is when we get to know when to forgo the bad 20 so as to have a firmer grip on the good 80, or hold on to the good 80 despite their bad 20. Being that percent of married couples have sex less than 10 times per year, sexless marriages are considered to be one of the leading causes of infidelity. Racial stereotypes in films have typically reflected societies reality.

Terry is shocked that they never even talked about the operation. “When you get married, you give up the ‘I’s’ for ‘us,’” he tells her. Janet Jackson, Tyler Perry ‘Get Married’ A New Jack artist of many trades, actor/director Tyler Perry became famous for cross-dressing as the ghetto, gun-toting Madea character. But in his latest flick, “Why Did I Get Married?,” he plays one half of four black couples who go on a vacation that turns into a nightmare. Farai Chideya talks to Perry and the film’s star, Janet Jackson. While I agree with most of what Santo said, I think that it is important to remember what is at the root of this 80/20 rule.

Why Did I Get Married?

We are only here once, this is no dress rehearsal enjoy every day. Well i think ppl cheat because of insecurities within a relationship, i cheated in the past bcoz of control.. …because monogamy wasn’t practiced, disease came about…check out the history of disease explosion.

  • Even though this is a great defense mechanism in the real world, this will only cause your woman to keep picking at you to get you to feel something .
  • A New Jack artist of many trades, Perry became famous for cross-dressing as the ghetto, gun-toting Madea character from his plays and movies.
  • I am pretty sure that the 80/20 rule, WHEN YOU TRANSLATE IT FROM FINANCES would be somewhere along the lines of, 20% of guys get 80% of all the action.
  • This article wasn’t trying to justify amoral behavior.
  • I want to examine this a little differently.
  • Due to the weather, the roads have been closed for the night and she has no choice but to spend the night in the office.

But before the meal is over, all love will be tossed out the window—and all of their secrets will be exposed. Adultery, venereal disease, addiction, anger, passivity, repression, betrayal and selfishness—it’s all here. And as the film unfolds, we see just how destructive these patterns can be, yet how frighteningly easy they are to slip into for couples. The only one of Tyler Perry’s films that is even passable. While it still contains most of the flaws in his other movies, it has minor improvements. The character’s this time around are more real, the dialogueslightly more interesting, and the story is better by virtue of not focusing dead-set on being melodramatic.

The 80/20 Rule

That’s why it’s never a good idea to focus on “the other person”. That’s really one of the effective and practical ways to move on after being cheated on. An affair might initially feel like the death of your relationship, but love has the ability to bring it back to life. Yes, these are pretty grim statistics; however, that doesn’t mean that your relationship has to be one of them. tyler perry 80 20 rule When it comes to affair-proofing your marriage, books like His Needs, Her Needs by Willard F. Harley, Jr. can provide you with a wealth of information on how to keep your connection with your spouse healthy and strong. Recovering from infidelity and healing from infidelity, entails a lot of challenges for the spouse cheated on, and looking for ways to recovering from an affair.

  • Finally, your emotions are your issues; not your spouses.
  • In it, something called the 80/20 rule is mentioned.
  • For a man, i think its the innnate desire to hunt.

I found out something very hard to avoid about the 80/20 rule—how applicable it is to everything in life. Before going deeper in analyzing and applying the 80/20 rule, let me share a little insight into the idea of the 80/20 rule. Perry makes you really think about the issues that affect marriage, and the choices we make as we attempt to work it out. Think very carefully before you point the finger—and before you leap. His characters talk about the “80-20” rule, whereby couples often ditch their marriage to find the “20 percent” they are missing, only to discover they no longer have the “80 percent” they already had. Here, Tyler sheds the drag and plunges into new depths.

tyler perry 80 20 rule relationship

When Mike arrives without Sheila, the other wives berate him and Trina for having left Shelia to drive alone. Sheila’s husband shows clearly that he does not care for his wife at all, and continues to insult her weight. Her friends try to reach Sheila by phone but get her voice mail only.

tyler perry 80 20 rule

He’s far too mean, and too often, to be real. Fortunately, Smith says what everyone is thinking, however, which provides good comic relief. All the couples suddenly decide they can’t stay in the house any longer after all the secrets. Sheila checks into a local hotel to recover from the shock of her divorce and the realization that Mike has drained her bank account. She is in a depressed state when Troy goes to visit her.

A New Jack artist of many trades, Perry became famous for cross-dressing as the ghetto, gun-toting Madea character from his plays and movies. But in this latest flick, he plays a bougie husband – just one of a member of four black couples who go on a vacation that turns into a nightmare. Second, we males have to understand that the act of us having sex with a woman and leaving ourselves inside of them is a very emotionally draining activity for women.

  • It’s sad because two people want the SAME thing but this is when COMMUNICATION is vital.
  • On this vacation things didn’t go according to plan.
  • We’re not talking about perception here, we’re talking needs.
  • Exactly….No excuses there, just common sense..
  • And as one of my Facebook friends commented on my 80/20 Facebook post a few weeks ago, “….
  • Often times, some of the biggest challenges stem from people entering into a relationship to solely get something out of it.

Our wants are often confused with our needs and some of us if not many of us seek the comfort found in our addiction to our wants. My boyfriend explained this to me yesterday and I didn’t quite get it. I just thought he was trying to get more from me than what I wanted to give.

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